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Recruitment methods in executive selection

Servitalent looks for the most suitable managerial profile for your company, based on its current needs and competitive challenges.

What can we offer you?

We offer different levels of service that adapt to your need to outsource your company’s recruitment process or other activities. These are:

Recruitment and selection service for executives and middle managers.

Direct search service for senior executives and directors.

Interim recruiter service for mass searches of basic profiles.

Service of publication of offers taking advantage of the capacity of attraction of managerial talent of the brand Servitalent ®.

Professional audit service to validate work teams and new incorporations to the company.


We are part of the Talentor International network, having coverage in more than 35 countries around the world.

  Get results from our database of over  25,000 validated professionals. 

Online monitoring

You will have real time access to our website in order to monitor our search, view statistics, download reports, make inquiries and decisions about proposed candidates within the selection processes that you have requested


We provide you with national and international coverage in any of our search services for executives and middle managers using any of the methods we offer. Servitalent has extensive experience in Spain, Europe and Latin America.

Work Team

Our services are led by specialists with over 20 years of experience in the search for high-level professionals. They are available to join your company on a full-time or part-time basis for large projects, via an in house BPO.

Certification methodology  

You will be able to obtain complete reports for each one of the candidates thanks to the CV audit and certification process performed by our renowned CVcertificado®

How do we work?


We follow strict work processes and performance protocols of the ISO 9001:2015 and UNE ISO 10667-2:2013 standards. Provision of Evaluation Services. Procedures and Methods for the Evaluation of people in Work and Organizational Environments. And the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security standard.

Contact us

If you are interested in our executive and 
middle management selection services and would like more information
please contact our team now.